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1.- Digitalna pismenost
IO1: Interactive Infographics
Hrvatski (Croatian)
1.- Digitalna pismenost
Course categories:
IO1: Interactive Infographics
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 1.- Digitální gramotnost
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 2.- Podnikání a podnikatelský duch
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 3.- Kritické a kreativní myšlení
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 4.- Vedení lidí
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 5.- Inovace
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 6.- Řešení problému
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 7.- Týmová práce
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Čeština (Czech) / 8.- Sociální dovednosti
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 1.- Digitale Alphabetisierung
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 2.- Unternehmertum und Unternehmergeist
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 3.- Kritisches und kreatives Denken
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 4.- Führung
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 5.- Innovation
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 6.- Problemlösung
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 7.- Teamarbeit und Kollaboration
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Deutsche (German) / 8.- Soziale Auswirkungen
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 1.- Ψηφιακός γραμματισμός
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 2.- Επιχειρηματικότητα και επιχειρηματικό πνεύμα
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 3.- Κριτική και δημιουργική σκέψη
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 4.- Ηγετική ικανότητα
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 5.- Καινοτομία
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 6.- Επίλυση προβλημάτων
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 7.- Ομαδική εργασία και συνεργασία
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Ελληνικά (Greek) / 8.- Κοινωνικός αντίκτυπος
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 1.- Digital Literacy
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 2.- Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Spirit
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 3.- Critical and Creative Thinking
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 4.- Leadership
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 5.- Innovation
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 6.- Problem Solving
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 7.- Teamwork and Collaboration
IO1: Interactive Infographics / English / 8.- Social Impact
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 1.- Alfabetización digital
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 2.- Emprendimiento y espíritu emprendedor
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 3.- Pensamiento crítico y creativo
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 4.- Liderazgo
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 5.- Innovación
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 6.- Resolución de problemas
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 7.- Trabajo en equipo y colaboración
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Español (Spanish) / 8.- Impacto social
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 1.- Digitalna pismenost
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 2.- Poduzetništvo i poduzetnički duh
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 3.- Kritičko i kreativno razmišljanje
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 4.- Rukovođenje
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 5.- Inovacije
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 6.- Rješavanje problema
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 7.- Timski rad i suradnja
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Hrvatski (Croatian) / 8.- Društveni utjecaj
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese)
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 1.- Literacia Digital
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 2.- Empreendedorismo e Espírito Empreendedor
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 3.- Pensamento Crítico e Criativo
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 4.- Liderança
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 5.- Inovação
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 6.- Resolução de Problemas
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 7.- Trabalho de Equipa e Colaboração
IO1: Interactive Infographics / Português (Portuguese) / 8.- Impacto Social
IO2: In Service Training
IO2: In Service Training / Čeština (Czech)
IO2: In Service Training / Deutsche (German)
IO2: In Service Training / Ελληνικά (Greek)
IO2: In Service Training / English
IO2: In Service Training / Español (Spanish)
IO2: In Service Training / Hrvatski (Croatian)
IO2: In Service Training / Português (Portuguese)
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1.- Digitalna pismenost
Digitalna pismenost (IG1)
1.- Digitalna pismenost
Digitalna pismenost (IG2)